Elephant Cave Program

Join us for the best diving spot in Crete


This program includes 2 dives. The first boat dive is to the lighthouse location and the second one, into the amazing Elephant cave. The cavern’s entrance is between 7.5 and 12 meters deep with a width of about 9 meters. After swimming in for about 40 meters a series of exquisite red and white stalagmites and stalactites are revealed to greet divers as they emerge into the cave. Divers enter a world that has existed peacefully, for centuries transformed into a fabulous underwater paradise of colour and remarkable natural features.

The cave’s natural “decoration” is absolutely magical. Gorgeous white and red formations decorate the ceiling and floor, glinting in the briefest touch of light. The existence of these formations above and below the water surface is a clear indication that the cave has been shaped several thousands of years ago, when the sea waters were much lower. Among the treasures of the cave are the fossilized remains of an elephant which include vertebra, teeth and a tusk. Especially interesting apart from the elephant bones are the numerous deer bones that belong to both normal and dwarf deer, merely 30cm tall.

This is a spectacle that has to be seen to be believed. Why not join us for the dive of your life!
This program includes 2 boat dives (usually in the morning).

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    10′ min
    Distance from Diving Center by boat
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    OW / CMAS*
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    aver – max depth
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